VoIP or PSTN or ISDN - Which Connection is Better for Outbound Calling?

When you would like to make and receive calls to/from outside your network, the first thing you need to consider is the quality of your internet connection. Since, for instance, VoIP connection requires reliable, high-speed internet connection. In addition, be sure that the particular type of connection is available in your area or not. In connection with this, please contact your Telephone Service Provider. Let's take a look at the 3 connection options by which you can easily connect your IT system to the external phone lines.

Transmitting calls through VoIP

In order to transmit VoIP calls you need to setup a VoIP service provider connection in your phone system. It means that your calls will be forwarded to the VoIP Service Provider through the Internet. After that, the Service Provider will transfer your call to the PSTN. This way, for using this connection, the followings are essentially needed: a reliable PBX (such as Ozeki Phone System XE) installed on your PC, broadband high speed Internet connection (at least 512/128 kbps), a VoIP service provider subscription (provided by AT&T, T-Mobile or any other telecommunication companies) and a VoIP capable device (it can be a PC with a headset, an IP phone or a conventional telephone attached to a VoIP adapter).


High-quality servicesLow cost international and long distance callsEven more phone lines can be assigned for one Service Provider


High-speed internet connection is needed

Transmitting calls through PSTN

Conventional PSTN connection is still popular as it makes is quite easy to connect analog phone lines and PSTN devices to any PBXs. For this purpose, you only need a PBX (such as Ozeki Phone System XE) installed on your PC, an ATA device (such as Linksys SPA3102) and one or more analog phones (for example Panasonic KX-TS2300HGW). In this case, your calls will be immediately transmitted to the public telephone network.


It does not require Internet connectionEven more phone lines can be assigned for one Service ProviderConventional analog phones can be attached


For more phone lines more Service Providers are neededAdditional device is required

Transmitting calls through ISDN

ISDN phone line connection is particularly beneficial for those companies where it is very important to get more telephone numbers from only one Service Provider. Since ISDN phone line connection enables to use the same pair of wires for multiple services, it can be absolutely useful solution for this purpose. For using ISDN connection, you need to attach a CAPI compatible ISDN card or an appropriate USB device.


High-quality servicesEven more phone lines can be assigned for one Service Provider


Independently on your needs, it is worth to spend some time on selecting the proper connection method. In all cases, a powerful PBX is essential to manage the connection. If you have installed Ozeki Phone System XE, visit the http://www.ozekiphone.com website for detailed information.

Timothy Walker began writing in 2003 as IT journalist. His works has been published in many print magazines as well as online. He has a BA in communication and media studies and he also has a system administrator certification.

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