In a simple fashion a cordless phone can make your business run better. Before you need to be glued into your desk during a phone call which means multi tasking is close to impossible. However with a cordless phone you can take back your freedom and do what you need to do even while on the phone. This type of office telephone equipment is especially beneficial for staffs whose work involves running up and down the office whilst still be able to receive and make phone calls.
There are many cordless office telephone available in the market today, however not all handsets are equal and you need to meticulously pick what best suits your requirements but generally speaking you need to consider the following features below as they need to be standard across models.
Range - Probably one of the biggest concerns in using a cordless office telephone is the range. On average a cordless phone has a range of 25 to 50 meters. It is best to acquire the top end range to prevent any disruption during a call to be able to receive a call wherever you are in the office. You can also purchase a range extender if the model you acquired has insufficient coverage.
Battery life - Another important factor is the battery, on average a regular cordless phone has a talk time of 3 to 4 hours pretty much like any smart phones today. It is best that you consider purchasing models with extended battery life especially for staffs that are always on the phone and do not have time to set it on the base station for charging.
Multiple handset capable base station - If you wish to acquire cordless phones for multiple staff it is best that you acquire a model that supports multiple handsets in a single base. Blatantly this will make your overhead cost lower.
Grip - As simple as it is the grip of the phone is also important. You need to be able to place between your head and shoulders comfortably otherwise it will depict the whole purpose of having a wireless telephone if you cannot use two hands to do other things.
Clear display and chunky buttons - Since you will not have a display that will par the size of desk phones it is best to choose a model that offers a clear display or better yet a color display to prevent eye fatigue and the large chunky buttons will facilitate ease of use.
Marie Liamson is a business start up expert that specializes in phone system solution and other office telephone components.
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